Disciplinary Procedure
This procedure is set in place to protect the public, ensure continuous high standards and uphold the reputation of the members of the Alberta Association of Complementary Equine Therapy.
Compliance with the association code of conduct is mandatory for all association members.
A written warning by the Board of Directors will be issued in response to any infractions of the Code of Conduct, or any other AACET Policies. Upon receipt of the written warning the member, along with their Department Head, will be asked to appear at a Board Meeting, where their conduct will be discussed. If the breach warrants it, the member may be suspended until the meeting can take place and/or until the Investigation has been completed and a written report by the Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee has been presented to the Board of Directors. This determination regarding member suspension will be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
In the event of a possible Disciplinary Action the Board of Directors will appoint an Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee consisting of no fewer than 5 (five) AACET members, including but not limited to; the Related Department Head and four other Related Practitioner members (when this is not possible, members from other modalities may be appointed along with the Related Department Head). The appointed Practitioners of the Sub-Committee will hold no affiliation to the complainant or to the member involved. The Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee will have the full power to carry out a complete inquiry into any complaint or disciplinary matter and will recommend appropriate action to the Board of Directors.
Causes for Disciplinary Action may include breach of the Association Code of Conduct, client or member complaints, any conduct by an Association member which could bring the Association into disrepute, dishonest, fraudulent or harmful practices, and conviction for criminal offense.
Investigation Procedure
Upon receipt of written evidence of a possible reason for Disciplinary Action (including client complaints), the Board of Directors will appoint an Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee who will obtain the complainant’s written permission for a copy of the allegations to be sent to the Association member concerned. If this permission is not granted, the matter will not be pursued. The Association member concerned will be asked to comment in writing on the allegations.
After consideration of the members’ comments the Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee may either dismiss or proceed with the complaint as follows:
- Delegate to an appointed representative the task of making further inquiries which will include an interview with the complainant and the member concerned
- From the information obtained submit a written report to the Board of Directors
The complainant, member and the Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee may call witnesses for relevant questioning or cross-questioning by either party. Full records of the proceedings will be kept. The Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee may make relevant investigations and inquiries, call for production of relevant documents, obtain reports and ask for proposals and recommendations from any person(s) relevant to the case.
Should the complainant not make full and honest disclosure of relevant information the proceedings may be dropped at the discretion of the Incident inquiry Sub-Committee. Should the member involved fail to provide any relevant information without acceptable reason for doing so they may be subject to actions taken by the Board of Directors, as advised by the Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee.
Powers of the Alberta Association of Complementary Equine Therapy Boards of Directors
Where it is thought that continued practice may harm animals or exacerbate scandal the member involved may be given a temporary suspension from practice and membership to the Association.
This suspension may not last for longer than 60 days and will be subject to immediate further investigation by the Board of Directors. The member concerned will be notified immediately in writing by a secure means. This temporary suspension may be approved or cancelled by the Board of Directors as soon as deemed necessary.
Upon receiving the recommendation from the Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee the Board of Directors has the power to dismiss the case or impose any further actions which will be communicated immediately with the member concerned by means of secure writing.
These measures may include:
- obtaining from the member a written undertaking to refrain from continuing or repeating the offensive conduct
- clarification from the Board of Directors to the member of the consequences of his/her initial actions and the fact that recurrence will lead to stronger actions
- taking such action that would prevent the member from continuing or repeating the offensive conduct
- temporarily withdrawing Association membership for any period as determined by the Board of Directors
- withdrawing membership of the Association altogether
In the event that the Incident Inquiry Sub-Committee’s recommendation necessitates temporary or permanent withdrawal from the Association, the Board of Directors will review the matter and determine whether the withdrawal of membership is warranted by a majority vote.
All members subject to Disciplinary Action have the right to file a Grievance, as outlined under the Grievance Policy. The Grievance must be given in writing to the Board of Directors within 30 days upon receiving notification of the Board of Directors decision on the matter. If the situation cannot be resolved as outlined in the Grievance Policy, the member has the right to file an appeal and any appeals will proceed by way of Arbitration and the provisions of the Arbitration Act of Alberta shall apply to all proceedings in the nature of appeals. The body hearing the appeal will have the power to confirm or withdraw any decision taken or substitute this for another penalty within the parameters of the disciplinary procedure.
The complainant and the member involved in the procedure will both be responsible for their own costs as these may be incurred throughout the disciplinary procedure.